How I Keep My Skin Healthy With Beauteque Monthly
It can be extremely difficult to keep up with skin while I'm constantly traveling! It's easy to forget about until you wake up the next morning with a huge zit! I can speak from experience when it comes to acne because growing up I had lots of it, and I still have times whee my face breaks out. To keep my skin in tip top shape, Beauteque Monthly sent me both of their subscription boxes (Mask Maven and Beauty Box).

I LOVE doing face masks. Not only by myself to relax, but I love doing them with friends or even my boyfriend for something fun to do! I think the best part about this subscription is that it gives you a fun activity to do with someone you care about and gives your skin that GLOW at the same time! Also, I'm sure we all have gone to buy a face mask and we all know how expensive they are for each single one. But for only $13, you can get different masks delivered to you each month with a different fun theme! The theme for my Mask Maven box was DEEP DETOX. The meant that a couple of the masks were charcoal based for that deep detoxifying sensation and some were bubble masks that bubble after application! They were all so great to try! I know I said the Mask Maven subscription box is $13, but if you use my code ALEXIS25 - you get 25% off your first box!! For very cheap you can try out this awesome subscription program and see if it's a good fit for you!

Now, if you want a more intricate box of beauty full of unique beauty products, this box is the one for you! Since the theme was DEEP DETOX, I got some amazing products that really detoxified my skin! The best part about these subscription boxes is that you try all of these beauty products and if they work wonders for you, you can buy that on a regular basis to keep your skin healthy. These boxes are great for testing different products out and figuring out what you like as well as giving you products to keep your skin healthy. This box only costs $22, but with my special coupon code ALEXIS25 - you can get 25% off your first month!
My box included:
Carbonated Bubble Charcoal Clay Mask = this isn't a single mask, this is a 100ml container of the mask that you can use multiple times!
Charcoal Design Nose Pore Strips = I've actually never used nose strips and these work wonders! I will be buying these again!
Konjac Sponge = sponge that helps bring your GLOW back into your skin
Charcoal Pure Cleansing Foam Wash = best with removing dead skin cells and moisturizing
Eyebrow Pencil = this was a cool product to put in after all these skin products, for a different aspect of beauty!
Both of these boxes are super unique and much needed, especially for somebody as busy as I am who doesn't have that much time to look for the perfect beauty products, Beauteque Monthly does all of that work for you!
If you want to use my code and subscribe to a box or both of them, click the link --> WWW.BEAUTEQUEMONTHLY.COM